make it count.

When you genuinely care about what you do,
quality takes care of itself.

At Impact, it’s not in our DNA to cut corners. We are all too aware of the impact our craftsmanship and innovative thinking can have for every client. We take personal ownership of every task, every decision. We dig deep today to drive productivity and reliability for every client into the future.


We know you’ve already got enough to think about. You want solutions, collaboration and proactive problem solving, not emails outlining issues that derail your day. We bring a partnership mentality to every relationship, taking the initiative to progress every project so you can direct more mental energy elsewhere. We figure out what you require and get it done right, the first time.

Have you thought about....?

We go beyond ‘see job, do job.’ We have amassed a wealth of experience and knowledge that we use daily to optimise every project, making suggestions and recommendations which can make a big impact on how your assets perform over the long-term. We don’t mind going out of our way to help – we don’t know any other way!

About Us-Pipe spools_impactwearprotection

Our values



A lot of teamwork and collaboration underpins every Impact project. We come together with different strengths and personalities; all pieces of a jigsaw that are equally important and appreciated.



We know that we’re stronger together and work as a collective to overcome every challenge and curveball. Our cohesive and dedicated team brings priceless confidence to our clients.



The word respect gets thrown around a lot, and we don’t use it lightly. Respect is vital for what we do – we are all equals and treat each other and our clients the right way.



We care enough to want to make an impact. Each team member has an ‘owners’ mindset’ and takes pride in every task. Near enough isn’t good enough – our people care enough to do exactly what is required.

What we deliver

Every time a finished asset leaves our workshop, we place the Impact name on it. We are proud to put our name to our work because we know that it’s been carried out to the highest possible standards for quality and safety. We’ve put in place the right people, tools, procedures and processes, all wrapped up in a relentless drive to never stop improving and innovating. It’s why we continue to go the distance, year after year.


Great work

You’ve got good reason to demand top notch work. Reliability drives profitability, and premature wear can blow holes in your production schedule and budget. You need the job done right, and we’re here to deliver. Trust us to consider all those vital factors, including when, where and how the asset is being utilised. We’re thorough, because we believe any other way is a shortcut.


Problems solved

We want to be of value to your team and don’t shy away from responsibility or a challenge. Bring us your issues and questions – we’ve got ample insights to share to help you push through to clever possibilities. Together, we’ll find progressive solutions and drive your onsite operations.


Get confident

Engaging any supplier means taking a leap of faith. We hope to build your confidence in us quickly, and part of this is being open and honest. We’ll never make unrealistic promises or pretend that something can be done if we aren’t 100% sure it’s possible. We say what we mean and mean what we say, so you can be confident in exactly what you’re receiving.


Why Partner
With Us?

We hope our team will quickly feel like an extension of yours. We’ll share common goals. We’ll problem solve and make recommendations, sharing what we’ve learnt across years of improving lining systems and wear solutions. And we will always keep it real. We’re honest and open people – even if it means challenging a belief or a method when other options present themselves. And we’ll never suggest something we can’t deliver.

We bring our full experience to every job that’s entrusted to us. Our focus is on your goals and the smartest strategic path we can take to get there. We always want to exceed expectations, yours and ours. Every client represents a challenge, an opportunity to go one better. We look forward to seeing what’s possible with you.

Here to help

If we sound like people you’d like to work with, we’d love to team up. Let’s talk about excelling your operations.